Newbridge School

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Academy Principal: Angela Murphy
Lower School- Gresham Drive 161 Gresham Drive, Chadwell HeathEssex, RM6 4TR

Upper School- Barley Lane 258 Barley Lane, GoodmayesEssex, IG3 8XS or


Newbridge School


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Message from the CEO

 Welcome to Newbridge School which is part of the Astrum Multi Academy Trust.

At Newbridge School we are passionate about the opportunities we offer all our students and their families during their time at the school. We value all students and seek to offer them a wide range of activities and experiences whatever their complexity of Special Educational Needs.

We have a hard working, highly trained and committed staff team and governors who fully support our vision.

 The staff teams at the school teach and support all our students in many ways using a varied range of strategies and approaches to meet individual needs.

We offer a Creative, personalised curriculum which enhances the student’s abilities and enables them to access communities within school and the wider locality. As the students mature the focus on community based activities increases which helps to prepare them for adult life.

All students are fully included in the life of the school and the focus on functional skills is a high priority.

We have a range of Specialist facilities across the lower and upper schools  including a hydrotherapy/swimming pool at each site , a Soft Play room, sensory rooms and sensory outdoor gardens.

We pride ourselves on the positive relationships formed and the care and safety of our students.

We are highly inclusive and all our activities, including the after school clubs, are available to all the students at some point in the school lives.

The school holiday based Snaps play scheme is open to those children in our community with Special Educational Needs and referrals for this come from the Children with Disabilities Team and directly through the parents at the Redbridge Special Schools.

The student’s safety and wellbeing in central in all we do at the school and in the training for staff. Any concerns raised are responded to promptly and we firmly feel that all students have the right to feel safe and secure at Newbridge School.

 We welcome visitors to the school and if you would like to know more please contact the school and make an appointment to visit us.

Lara Parr